The inauguration was attended by teachers and the teams from the Kinar Pustaka Foundation

Speech from the Principal of SDN Pondok Ranji 02 Ibu Napsiah, S.Pd, M.Pd

Speech from Mrs. Arie Victoria as Deputy Chairperson of the Kinar Pustaka Foundation, as well as inaugurating the Pondok Ranji 02 SDN Sports Field

Mr. Wahyudi as the school committee with Mrs. Napsiah (second from left), Mrs. Arie Victoria (second from right) and Kianti Kinar Subowo (right)

Kianti Kinar Subowo and Mrs. Napsiah do their first service as a symbol of the inauguration of the sports field at SDN Pondok Ranji 02

Kianti Kinar Subowo provided sports equipment to SDN Pondok Ranji 02

Friendly match between Kianti Kinar Subowo and Mrs. Napsiah